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Sex Appeal Hypocrisy

I'm going to just go ahead and say something very politically incorrect here; women who flaunt their sex appeal and then get upset when they receive comments are hypocrites and they certainly don't deserve the respect they aggressively demand. If men walked around with half their penises sticking out of their pants they certainly wouldn't be surprised if people made comments. Why is there this double standard?

The worst part of this culture of expected sex appeal is that one can't go to the mall without seeing hordes of teenagers and even pre-teens showing as much thigh, chest and midriff as possible. Surely these girls have to overcome a huge amount of discomfort in order to feel accepted in this society that values sex appeal so highly.

I've said it before, if you want to be sexually appealing, and you know the repercussions, and you are not disrespectful to the men who will inevitably gawk and make comments then you've done nothing worthy of any disrespect. Anyone who calls these women "sluts" are simply insecure and probably jealous. The line is obviously drawn at physical contact, women walking around half-naked have certainly given permission for others to look but that is not permission to touch.

I find myself saying this one phrase often in my posts: this ethical situation is really quite simple if you take a minute to think about it. Women who want to wear hijabs are entitled to but when they are expected to wear them then they are being oppressed. Inversely woman who want to show off their assets are fully entitled to but when an expectation to be "sexy" is placed on them, whether it be by individuals or by cultural pressure, those women are being oppressed. A culture that expects sex appeal is as oppressive as a culture that expects hijabs.

So both men and women should be culturally free to act and react as they please provided it doesn't encroach on others' personal space. And we need to decide as a society whether sex appeal is as valuable as intelligence or charisma. Since there is generally a limit to the amount of influence one has over their physical appearance my vote goes to lowering society's value of sex appeal. But we certainly need to teach our children that sex appeal is not more valuable than other personal traits and that's not the message they're getting right now.


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