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Showing posts from January, 2015

Kaffirs and Kaffirkaners

The most offensive shit you've ever read. In this post i'm going to tone down the racism and fire up the generalisation instead. If you knowingly limit your character to a stereotypical mould then you deserve all the generalisation that gets thrown your way, and don't you dare drag other people of your race down with you just because you're offended.

Distributed vs Centralised vs Decentralised

You start off distributed, then you centralise, then you decentralise. We tend to think of our world in terms of an order/disorder dichotomy. Anything that isn't heirarchy based order is seen as disorder which is why the word "anarchy" is often mistakenly defined as chaos or disorder.

The end of Islam?

All eyes are on Islam right now. The global acceptance or rejection of Islam hinges on the response of "everyday" muslims. Let me be very clear; we as non-muslims do not exist to serve Islam. On the contrary, Islam exists because we tolerate it and our tolerance is running thin.