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The Reality About Racism

Like it or not, generalisation is a social survival tool. Humans may gradually improve their interaction skills but even if we were all the same colour and spoke the same language, we would eventually devise other justifications for segregation. Racism doesn't really exist at all, what we refer to as racism is in my opinion; culturalism. We simply associate physical aspects with the cultural generalisations we create.

I think it would be a bit of an eye opener for people around the world to learn that white minority in Africa today are being segregated just as the black minority was in the US a hundred years ago. South Africa has a programme known as Black Economic Empowerment whereby the black majority are given employment and tendering advantages over their peers.

The justification for institutionalised racism in South Africa is the institutionalised racism of the past. Fair enough, Apartheid existed, black people were segregated, corrections ought to have been made. What's being ignored is the fact that there are now people like myself who have only ever lived in a "blacks deserve more than whites" South Africa. The exception has become the rule and we're now back in Apartheid with a new ruling pigmentation.

The ruling party (the ANC) are the same religious right-wing fascists they once fought. They have this delusion that they are incapable of racism just because they're black. This is of course ironically racist. I'm not going to make the same mistakes that we should have learned from by now. Just because the ANC is a black party does not mean all black people are to blame and just because they are a black party does not mean they are any different to racist, right-wing, white guys.

The semitic people fled Nazi Germany to escape persecution only to commit persecution 60 years later in Palestine. Racism and generalisation are divine equalisers in that every race and culture is vulnerable to both committing it and being victims of it.

Instead of blindly pointing fingers we should look inwardly; am i just following a predefined set of norms for my culture which includes both positive and negative aspects? Have i taken cognizance of the repercussions of each of my cultural behaviours?

I am advocating constructive cultural criticism and reflection. If you can cut through the emotions and empathise with those who disagree with your culture you'll be contributing towards building a rational unified culture. What we need is one global culture with a wide diversity of personalities rather than numerous cultures each with narrow bands of personality variations.


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