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Showing posts from November, 2012

Building a Communist Utopia

The word "utopia" implies a perfect society which is an oxymoron in itself because a society that stagnates is far from perfect. Like anything living; society needs to grow and adapt. The word communism also strikes fear into uninformed minds but in reality it's the sustainable approach when compared to free market capitalism or what we live in today which is creditism or wage slavery.

Steam For Ubuntu

Thanks to the Reddit community and OMG Ubuntu , i was able to circumvent the closed beta access restriction for Steam and i managed to install and run the Steam client. Most of the games in my library were not available as they did not have Ubuntu versions. Of the games that were available only three actually installed correctly; Amnesia, World of Goo and Spaz. I've played Amnesia before on Ubuntu and it was a large download so i didn't test that game. World of Goo worked flawlessly and Spaz ran but had no sound.