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Showing posts from August, 2010

Cyanogenmod 6 Screenshots

Just posting a few screenshots of  Cyanogenmod 6.0 . Cyanogenmod 6 is based on Android 2.2 FroYo .

Religiously Sceptic

Scepticism is incorrectly believed to be a stance of closed mindedness when in fact a sceptic is always open to all information. Not everyone decides to or can afford to become a scientist but that does not exclude people from taking part in a world of logic and rationality. A sceptic is a person that has consciously decided to be a part of that world and is always mindful of accepted facts while remaining open to new information. It is vitally important that as sceptics we place our focus on facts rather than conclusions lest we risk falling into the trap of faith which might cause us to adjust the evidence to fit a desired conclusion rather that adjusting the conclusion to fit the evidence. There are a number of religions in our world and while things may have been more aggressive in the past the faithful now use passion as their medium to compete with other religions. "My religion is the most real because i have genuinely felt the awesome power o...

Freedom of Information at Risk

WikiLeaks is undeniably a great asset to the freedom of information movement . Geoff Morrell, pentagon spokesperson urges WikiLeaks to "do the right thing" and remove all copies of classified US military data on the invasion of Afghanistan  from their websites so that enemies of the US are prevented from using the data to gain an advantage. This is blatant disrespect for the audience since any enemy of the US would have acquired the data long before it made it into the limelight. So either the US government is trying to make an example of WikiLeaks to prevent leaks in future or they want to prevent the information from permeating further into the public domain due to embarrassing or possibly incriminating information . If the former was their intention then they would have been far more stern than to just release a removal request through the media. With little effort i came across the Collateral Murder videos on ...

Corporate Alliances

A successful corporate alliance inevitably results in a competitive split . This was first demonstrated to me back in the days of the Apple/Microsoft allience vs IBM . Once perception had changed and people realised that innovative startups could take on corporate giants, Gates then realised that he had to get the upper hand in silicon valley . Apple was backstabbed by Microsoft and the alliance was off in favour of competitive innovation ultimately benefiting us as the consumers. Many years down the line Apple had allied with Google since Microsoft was the new giant in town and Apple had a vendetta to fulfill. Apple's iPhone appeared and quickly took center stage since Microsoft overlooked the need for mobility. Once the smartphone market was mature Apple once again got the short end of the alliance stick when Google's Android became a major competitor to the iPhone and Eric Schmidt was forced to leave Apple's board . A...